What Are Pennsylvania Bail Bonds?
A bail refers to the phenomenon where a person is set free from jail when either their crime has not been proven yet or is not a non bailable offence. In order for bail to be issued a certain amount has to be paid by the accused, to the court of law as a mean of redemption. Also, in case the accused fails to appear in court for their hearing, the money is kept by the court and submitted to the government. In order to issue bail, a bail bond is issued first. A bail bond is a formal contract of the entire process. They vary from state to state on their terms and conditions. For example pennsylvania bail bond company are known to be extra strict with their proceedings and workings.
All you need to know about bail bonds.
By definition, a bail bond is simply a document which states that someone accused of a minor crime has paid a certain amount to be set free. However the document and the process behind it is not as simple as it may sound. Obtaining a bail bond, essentially means obtaining bail in itself. Bail is something which is not easily accessible by all. Not every offence or crime gets bail. Only few minor offences and those accused of them are eligible for it. Even if you are accused of a crime which is a bailable offence, it might not be so easy for you to get bail. In order to receive bail, you have to prove to the court of law that you are not a flight risk and would regularly attend any and all hearings scheduled. If you are successful at proving all these, then too you are bound to pay the amount that the court sets and have to get a person to undertake your guarantee.
Movies and tv shows often show bail and it’s entire concept as a mere piece of cake that anyone can get, if they are ever arrested for a crime. However the truth is the complete opposite of this. Bail is in itself a quite difficult thing to obtain.